Re: A Decentralized Hashtable for the Web

On 3 November 2015 at 13:26, Asbjørn Ulsberg <> wrote:

> 2015-11-03 11:32 GMT+01:00 Melvin Carvalho <>:
> >> I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already, but what you describe
> >> sounds a lot like Keybase. How does WebDHT compare to it?
> >>
> >>
> >
> > keybase is still in early stages, and there is not much in the way of web
> > standards there, so IMHO it would benefit I think from using the work on
> the
> > credentials CG
> Yes, of course. I'm just thinking conceptually, architecturally and
> technically, to wrap my head around how WebDHT could look like and
> work in practice. I think Keybase provides a great implementation of
> cryptographically signed and verified identity on the web today. It is
> young, yes, but solid. In my humble opinion, of course. I'm as far
> from being a cryptographer as a shoe salesman.
> > from what I see the same (or at least very similar) technology e.g. for
> > signing is used in both credentials and webDHT
> Great. That makes it easier to understand.
> > I think combining this technology with a keybase like identity system and
> > payments is a good idea
> That's my thought too. I'll try to poke them about the work on WebDHT
> so they can contribute with their experience in this field. I think
> that would be very valuable.
> > *disclaimer* im working on an early stage open source system to do
> > exactly that :)
> Cool! Have you looked at the open source stuff Keybase have published?

Yes I have.  I think the keybase UI and tooling.  But also like the
declarative nature of the W3C stuff as a robust data model.  Here's a
*very* early documentation on the system I'm making ...

> --
> Asbjørn Ulsberg           -=|=-
> «He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Received on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 13:29:01 UTC