- From: Natasha Rooney <nrooney@gsma.com>
- Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 17:19:00 +0000
- To: "public-webpayments@w3.org" <public-webpayments@w3.org>
Hi Payments CG! I¹m Natasha, co-chair of the Web and Mobile Interest Group. I have setup the Payments Task Force and associated github repo for gathering use cases for mobile payments as requested by Manu Sporny at TPAC. I am encouraging the Webmob IG to get this done and submitted to The payments workshop in March. Currently I am in need of someone to managed this task force (raise issues, answer issues, get some of the doc formatted - not to do the work alone just manage it). Can you make any suggestions for anyone who would be able to do this? Or, if you wish, please volunteer yourself! Getting the work finalised before the workshop hinges on us having a great task force leader! FYI I have shared this with the workshop program committee too. Thanks for your help! Natasha Rooney | Web Technologist | GSMA | nrooney@gsma.com | +44 (0) 7730 219 765 | @thisNatasha | Skype: nrooney@gsm.org 7th Floor, 5 New Street Square, London EC4A 3BF This email and its attachments are intended for the above named only and may be confidential. If they have come to you in error you must take no action based on them, nor must you copy or show them to anyone; please reply to this email or call +44 207 356 0600 and highlight the error.
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