Re: Google Summer of Code 2014

I am currently doing a write up about the Web Payments tutorial. While not
a Dave Longley, Dave Lehn, or Manu Sporny, I certainly know more than a
novice. If my internet maintains for the next couple minutes, I will know
even more.

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 5:11 PM, Manu Sporny <>wrote:

> As some of you know, a number of us took part in the Google Summer of
> Code in 2013 under the umbrella of the W3C last year. I've submitted the
> Web Payments Community Group for Google Summer of Code 2014. If we're
> selected, Google will help pay for a student to join our project and
> contribute documentation, code, etc. with the goal of
> having that person join the community and contribute long term.
> It's a great opportunity for students that want to get involved in
> standards creation. It's also a good opportunity for us to get someone
> to work on the things that this group currently doesn't have the
> bandwidth to work on. More about Google Summer of Code here:
> Part of this process is providing the students with a list of projects
> that this group would be interested in having them take on. The project
> ideas page has been started. For those of you that have ideas for
> the students, please add them to this wiki:
> The page above really needs some love over the next week, so we'll be
> hacking on it from time to time - it'll get better. I wanted to get this
> announcement out there earlier than later since the application window
> for organizations is only open for a short time. Our application is due
> by this coming Friday (Feb 14th). If anyone objects to this group
> applying for the Google Summer of Code, please let us know before that
> date.
> We have three volunteer mentors so far for GSoC 2014 from this group.
> They are Dave Longley, Dave Lehn, and myself. If anyone else would like
> to volunteer to mentor a student (along with help from the other
> mentors) please let us know. The mentors that have volunteered for this
> year have mentored GSoC students before, so don't worry about having to
> take on all mentoring responsibilities, they will be shared with
> seasoned GSoC veterans.
> So, let us know if you want to be a mentor. If you have a project idea,
> add it to the wiki above.
> -- manu
> --
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: The Worlds First Web Payments Workshop

Received on Friday, 14 February 2014 22:50:06 UTC