Re: FW: [W3C Webmob] PAYMENTS TASK FORCE: Setup and ready to go!

On 02/15/2014 12:19 PM, Natasha Rooney wrote:
> Currently I am in need of someone to managed this task force (raise
> issues, answer issues, get some of the doc formatted - not to do the work
> alone just manage it). Can you make any suggestions for anyone who would
> be able to do this?

Hey Natasha, I'd be happy to put this on the Web Payments CG Agenda and
have us grind through Webmob payments TF issues every week or so, if
that would help (raise / answer issues). I don't think we'd be the best
to format the doc, perhaps someone from the mobile payments space?

Got a link to the github issue tracker, for starters?

I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, so perhaps you could elaborate on what
you had in mind either on the mailing list, or on the telecon this
Wednesday (4pm London).

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: The Worlds First Web Payments Workshop

Received on Monday, 17 February 2014 02:46:27 UTC