Re: Indiegogo Code for the Web -- Draft comments

On 5/19/13 8:58 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
> Let me know if you're happy with the changes. We're announcing the
> project tomorrow morning EST. We can still change much of the text while
> the campaign is active, so there will still be time to tinker with the
> text over the next two weeks.
> -- manu

Good, I especially like that list of how you chose the students. 
Helped a lot.

You sucked $50 out of me.  :-)

One last suggestion: these two sentences:
"The bar was set quite high, and only the top rated students were 
selected. There were a few students that were above average; none of 
them made the cut."

The wording of the second sentence puzzled me slightly at first. I 
think I understand it now, but I think it can be deleted; it's 
redundant. The previous sentence, by itself, implies that, doesn't it? 
How else could it have happened? (Assume a shifted normal curve on 40 
top people: relative to that curve, some are poor, some fair, some are 
average, some are above average, and some exceptional. You only took 
the exceptional, ie, the top group; so all the other groups 'didn't 
make the cut').


Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 05:23:40 UTC