[w3c/payment-request] Some clarifications with Payment Request API (#774)

We are in the early state of adopting Payment Request API to support payments in the checkout. 

Our assumptions or understanding of Payment Request API:

1. Payment Request API is vendor agnostic - this means I should be able to use Google Pay and Apple Pay at the same time on Firefox browser (is that futuristic?)

2. There will be one button that is displayed to the end user and Payment Request API takes care of showing all the available methods (Google Pay, Apple Pay, Microsoft Pay and more) and the user can choose what payment methods to use

3. As a privacy concern, Payment Request API will not let the client (browser) know what payment methods user has or browser supports. All it returns is **true** or **false** when **canMakePayments()** is called

Here are some of the things that do not go well with the above assumptions

1. Currently, Apple has strict brand guidelines on how we can use their Apple Pay Button, this means I do not have the flexibility to show a generic button that supports all other payment methods. Apple claims that they support Payment Request API on all latest Safari browser. I think this may be true with all other payment methods who have their own brand guidelines

2. PaymentRequest API on Google Chrome browser brings up both local cards (basic-cards) and google account cards in the same Payment Sheet (which is good), but it does not work on Firefox or Safari. 

3. Google Pay with PaymentRequest API distinguishes between cards that are added in Android devices and cards added directly to Google Pay Account. Some times it does not show the cards added through Google Pay Account

4. Stripe [document](https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js/reference) says 

> An all-in-one checkout button backed by either Apple Pay or the Payment Request API.

This is again conflicting on why would we distinguise Apple Pay from Payment Request API.


All in all, do you recommend using Payment Request API in its current state for production use, if we intend to support multiple payment methods with single button?

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