Re: [w3c/browser-payment-api] Reject acceptedPromise if converting method data fails (#536)

domenic commented on this pull request.

> -              <a>payment method identifiers</a> given <var>identifiers</var>.
-              For each resulting payment handler, if payment method specific
-              capabilities supplied by the payment handler match those provided
-              by <var>data</var>, the payment handler matches.
+              <li>Let <var>data</var> be the result of <a data-cite=
+              "!ECMA-262-2015#sec-json.parse">JSON-parsing</a> the second
+              element in <var>paymentMethod</var> tuple.
+              </li>
+              <li>If required by the specification that defines the
+              <var>identifer</var>, then <a data-cite=
+              "!WEBIDL#dfn-convert-ecmascript-to-idl-value">convert</a>
+              <var>data</var> to an IDL value. Otherwise, <a data-cite=
+              "!WEBIDL#dfn-convert-ecmascript-to-idl-value">convert</a> to
+              <a data-cite="!WEBIDL#idl-object">object</a>.
+              </li>
+              <li>If conversion results in an error, reject

OK. In that case I don't understand the suggestion. Discarding the tuple is a meaningless operation, and throwing the error is in direct contradiction to processing the next tuple (throwing an error terminates the algorithm, like it does in all programming languages).

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