Re: [w3c/payment-handler] Make Origin and Instrument Display section non-normative. (#241)

> User agents are expected to favor user preferences for payment handler display order over other preferences.

I looked at eliminating all of the other text and felt like there were items in the text to be deleted that others in the #229 thread were arguing shouldn't be deleted.

To put it another way, I'm not sure "User agents are expected to favor user preferences for payment handler display order over other preferences." captures the consensus of the group.

I'd like to iterate on the changes preferring the smallest changes from what we have today to what we'll eventually move to:

1. The first iteration is to make the text non-normative (which addresses the browser vendor's concerns).
2. The second is to remove non-normative text that everyone feels is unnecessary.

This PR accomplishes item 1 above. I expect item 2 to be addressed either by specific proposals in this PR, or by additional PRs that come in after this one is applied to the spec. We may eventually get to "User agents are expected to favor user preferences for payment handler display order over other preferences.", but I'd like us to iterate there instead of proposing another PR that eliminates large amounts of text (and would most likely be just as controversial as #229).

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