Call for Consensus to Request Member Review of Commerce IG Charter - Please Respond by 19 June

Dear Web Payments Interest Group Participants,

The charter of the Web Payments Interest Group [1] expires 30 September 2017. 
Since the March face-to-face meeting [2], we have been developing a new
charter with an expanded scope.

This is a Call for Consensus to determine whether the Interest Group supports 
the W3C Director requesting Membership review [3] of:

   Commerce Interest Group Charter

PLEASE RESPOND to the proposal by 9am ET on 19 June.

For the co-Chairs,
Ian Jacobs


PROPOSAL: That the Web Payments Interest Group request that the W3C Director
                      propose the above charter to the W3C Membership.

Please indicate one of the following in your response:

1. Support the proposal.

2. Request some changes, but support the proposal even
   if suggested changes are not taken into account.

3. Request some changes, and do not support the proposal
   unless the changes are taken into account.

4. Do not support the proposal (please provide rationale).

5. Support the consensus of the Web Payments Interest Group.

6. Abstain.

We invite you to include rationale in your response.

If there is strong consensus by 19 June (9am ET) for the proposal,
it will carry.

If there are objections or proposals for substantive changes we will
try to resolve them and start a new Call for Consensus.

Regarding Formal Objections

* If you do not support the charter and you wish your lack of support
 to be communicated to the W3C Director and reviewed, please include
 the phrase "FORMAL OBJECTIONā€¯ [4] in your response. Be sure to
 include substantive arguments or rationale.

* Silence will be taken to mean there is no Formal Objection [4].

* If there are Formal Objections, the Chairs plan to contact the
 individual(s) who made them to see whether there are changes that 
 would address the concern and increase consensus to advance the


Next steps if the Proposal carries

If the proposal carries, the W3C Management Team will review and
complete the draft charter (e.g., by adding information about chairs
and team contacts and charter end date).

If the W3C Management Team approves the charter, they will initiate a
4-week review by the W3C Membership.

Our goal is to launch the Commerce IG by mid-September and to hold a
Face-to-Face meeting during TPAC 2017. (This would take the place
of the Web Payments IG Face-to-Face meeting.)

For more about chartering operations, see:

Ian Jacobs <>
Tel: +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 12 June 2017 14:08:03 UTC