Re: QRCode with W3C Standard

Before going deeper into this topic it might be wise discussing the two fundamental use cases:

1. The browser displays a QR code.  This use case is already working since ages back and therefore doesn't need further standardization.  It also requires the user starting a specific "App" for reading the QR code,

2. The browser reads a QR code.  This may sound straightforward until you realize that this requires that the camera is invoked as well.  The fuzz this creates with respect to user permissions makes this a rather difficult concept for payments. One may argue that this use case already exist but comparing dedicated POS terminal software with general purpose browsers is probably not going to pan out.

It might in this context be of interest knowing that the WebNFC CG (Intel+Google), have explicitly excluded payments from their list of use cases.


Received on Sunday, 3 July 2016 04:53:37 UTC