Value Web Manifesto - Keeping up the momentum

Hi all,

The group has favored a more focused vision statement ( than
the manifesto which I circulated and which has had valuable feedback and
contributions from the group.

I don't want to lose momentum behind the message in the manifesto but
recognise it is a very low priority for the IG at this stage.

I would like to do the following:

   1. Incorporate the feedback and contributions of anyone that is still
   interested in providing such
   2. Circulate the manifesto amongst payments industry stakeholders to get
   support for the principles therein and signatories of the document itself.
   3. Publish the manifesto online along with the list of signatories and
   open it up for other companies or individuals to add their signatures.

In doing this I want to acknowledge those that have contributed to the
document but not include any names that do not wish to be included.

If any of the following people wish to be excluded please let me know:

   - Manu Sporny
   - Dave Longley
   - Pat Adler
   - Ian Jacobs
   - Katie Haritos-Shea

Also, if there are any contributors I have missed that wish to be
acknowledged please let me know.

I will circulate the final document to all contributors before it is


Received on Wednesday, 27 May 2015 13:38:22 UTC