Updated Web Payments Working Group Charter - please indicate any serious concerns by Monday teleconference

Dear Interest Group,

On 20 July I sent a request to the W3C management team to approve the draft
Web Payments Working Group charter [1] and to start W3C Member review in August.
Two people from the management team reviewed the charter and sent detailed
comments. I have updated the charter based on their comments. (I also made a few
subsequent editorial changes such as alphabetizing the list of liaisons.)

Here are the detailed changes based on the review:

I believe all changes were improvements, either clarifying the scope or the nature of the deliverables.
I have requested time during Monday’s teleconference to review the changes and answer any questions
you may have. If you have serious concerns about any of the changes, please let me know and we’ll
try to discuss them at Monday’s call.

I also have one question for the group: Jeff Jaffe observed that the flow in the current
charter does not handle the case where there is no digital wallet. Jeff pointed out manual
entry of card data will continue for some time, and that it might be possible to increase interoperability
even when there is no wallet present. He asked me to check on the Interest Group’s consensus view:
was the charter intended to increase interoperability even in the case of manual card data entry
and no wallet, or was that considered out of scope for this charter.

I expect the management team to review the revised charter on 29 July. I plan to summarize any
feedback from the IG on the charter changes in time for that call.

Talk to you Monday,


[1] http://www.w3.org/2015/06/payments-wg-charter.html
Ian Jacobs <ij@w3.org>      http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs
Tel:                       +1 718 260 9447

Received on Saturday, 25 July 2015 01:34:06 UTC