Re: OWL Overview, missing toc entry, rdf versioning

thank  you for reading the overview document and sending comments.
There is now an editor's draft (at with 
updates from the valuable comments we have received and 3.10 now appears 
in the table of contents.

It would have been appropriate to keep your statement that OWL is 
differentiated over earlier languages such as RDF with its explicit 
representation capabilities for versioning information.

Thanks again for your interest in OWL and congrats on the thesis submission.

Benjamin Nowack wrote:

>I already posted a related comments/question on Dec 4th [1]:
>In the OWL Web Ontology Language Overview" document[2] the
>section "3.10 OWL Lite Versioning" is missing in the table 
>of contents. And I have a question concerning that section.
>It says: "RDF already has a small vocabulary for describing
>versioning information".
>It would be great, if someone could tell me, if there
>really is such a thing. (In my thesis, which I have to submit
>by the end of december, I wrote that one difference between
>OWL and RDFS is OWL's support for versioning. I'd just like to
>know if I can keep that sentence or should better drop it...)
>thanx in advance,
>p.s. OWL PR makes my xmas, best wishes to the WebOnt WG :-)
>Benjamin Nowack
>Kruppstrasse 82-100
>45145 Essen, Germany

 Deborah L. McGuinness 
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory 
 353 Serra Mall
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

Received on Friday, 16 January 2004 14:09:31 UTC