Re: OWL Web Ontology Language Overview Editorial Comments

thank you for your very thorough reading and for the useful comments.
I wanted to acknowledge that we received the comments and I am 
integrating them.
I will send another message when my update based on your comments is 
complete.  The editors draft at
the normal place -
has the work in progress.


Lacy . Lee wrote:

> Deborah/Frank,
> The Overview document is looking great and a lot of hard work has paid 
> off in this superb introduction.
> I'd like to offer some very nitpicky editorial suggestions to help 
> polish this off:
> Abstract, paragraph 2, fourth sentence, "for a more detailed 
> descriptions" to "for more detailed descriptions"
> Table of Contents, under section 3, missing "10. OWL Lite Versioning"
> Section 1.2, XML Schema bullet doesn't mention the XMLS contribution 
> of datatypes to OWL
> Section 1.3, bullet 2 on OWL DL, "computed" to "computable"
> Section 1.3, bullet 2 on OWL DL, "decidability" to "decidable"
> Section 1.3, 2nd to last paragraph, "provided by OWL DL and OWL Full" 
> to "provided by OWL DL" (sentence is discussing choice between Lite 
> and DL)
> Section 1.3, last paragraph, last sentence, "OWL DL and OWL Lite" to 
> "OWL DL" (referenced appendix doesn't appear to mention OWL Lite)
> Section 2.1, third column of constructs gets truncated by most 
> printers, reducing column width of first two columns slightly should 
> solve the problem
> Section 2.1, move rdfs:subClassOf above rdf:Property for consistency 
> with discussion paragraphs that follow
> Section 2.1, under Header Information, "ontology" to "Ontology"
> Section 2.1, appears to be missing discussion of OWL constructs:  
> distinctMembers, ObjectProperty, Nothing, Thing, restriction, onProperty
> Section 2.1, appears to be missing rdf(s) constructs: List, nil, type, 
> Datatype, Literal
> Section 2.2, first sentence, "addition to those" to "addition to or 
> expand those" (to cover things like intersectionOf which has already 
> been listed in 2.1
> Section 2.2, appears to be missing OWL constructs: AnnotationProperty, 
> OntologyProperty
> Section 2.2, move complementOf above intersectionOf for consistency in 
> discussion that follows
> Section 3.1., class bullet paragraph, "and a superclass" to "and is a 
> superclass"
> Section 3.1, class bullet paragraph, "and a subclass" to "and is a 
> subclass"
> Section 3.1, subClassOf bullet paragraph, "is a Mammal" to "is also a 
> Mammal"
> Section 3.1, rdfs:domain bullet paragraph, "relates individual" to 
> "relates an individual"
> Section 3.1, rdfs:domain and rdfs:range bullet paragraphs, "below on 
> local restrictions" to "below on property type restrictions" to match 
> heading
> Section 3.1, rdfs:range bullet paragraph "i.e., Deborah is the child 
> of Louise," to "(i.e., Deborah is the child of Louise),"
> Section 3.3., transitive property paragraph, extra carriage return 
> exists after "ancestor)."
> Section 3.4, title, "Restriction" to "Restrictions" for consistency 
> with table of contents
> Section 3.7, title, "Datatypes" to "OWL Datatypes" for consistency 
> with table of contents
> Section 4., title, "FULL" to "Full"
> References, OWL Test citation, "9" to "15" in date
> Sorry if these are too nit picky, just trying to help!
> Lee

 Deborah L. McGuinness 
 Knowledge Systems Laboratory 
 353 Serra Mall
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

Received on Friday, 16 January 2004 14:05:22 UTC