OWL Web Ontology Language Overview Editorial Comments



The Overview document is looking great and a lot of hard work has paid
off in this superb introduction.


I'd like to offer some very nitpicky editorial suggestions to help
polish this off:


Abstract, paragraph 2, fourth sentence, "for a more detailed
descriptions" to "for more detailed descriptions"


Table of Contents, under section 3, missing "10. OWL Lite Versioning"


Section 1.2, XML Schema bullet doesn't mention the XMLS contribution of
datatypes to OWL


Section 1.3, bullet 2 on OWL DL, "computed" to "computable"


Section 1.3, bullet 2 on OWL DL, "decidability" to "decidable"


Section 1.3, 2nd to last paragraph, "provided by OWL DL and OWL Full" to
"provided by OWL DL" (sentence is discussing choice between Lite and DL)


Section 1.3, last paragraph, last sentence, "OWL DL and OWL Lite" to
"OWL DL" (referenced appendix doesn't appear to mention OWL Lite)


Section 2.1, third column of constructs gets truncated by most printers,
reducing column width of first two columns slightly should solve the


Section 2.1, move rdfs:subClassOf above rdf:Property for consistency
with discussion paragraphs that follow


Section 2.1, under Header Information, "ontology" to "Ontology"


Section 2.1, appears to be missing discussion of OWL constructs:
distinctMembers, ObjectProperty, Nothing, Thing, restriction, onProperty


Section 2.1, appears to be missing rdf(s) constructs: List, nil, type,
Datatype, Literal


Section 2.2, first sentence, "addition to those" to "addition to or
expand those" (to cover things like intersectionOf which has already
been listed in 2.1


Section 2.2, appears to be missing OWL constructs: AnnotationProperty,


Section 2.2, move complementOf above intersectionOf for consistency in
discussion that follows


Section 3.1., class bullet paragraph, "and a superclass" to "and is a


Section 3.1, class bullet paragraph, "and a subclass" to "and is a


Section 3.1, subClassOf bullet paragraph, "is a Mammal" to "is also a


Section 3.1, rdfs:domain bullet paragraph, "relates individual" to
"relates an individual"


Section 3.1, rdfs:domain and rdfs:range bullet paragraphs, "below on
local restrictions" to "below on property type restrictions" to match


Section 3.1, rdfs:range bullet paragraph "i.e., Deborah is the child of
Louise," to "(i.e., Deborah is the child of Louise),"


Section 3.3., transitive property paragraph, extra carriage return
exists after "ancestor)."


Section 3.4, title, "Restriction" to "Restrictions" for consistency with
table of contents


Section 3.7, title, "Datatypes" to "OWL Datatypes" for consistency with
table of contents


Section 4., title, "FULL" to "Full"


References, OWL Test citation, "9" to "15" in date


Sorry if these are too nit picky, just trying to help!





Received on Monday, 12 January 2004 16:50:08 UTC