Frank, Jim, WebOnt community, and others,

The DICE ontology has been represented using OWL.
It contains over 2500 concepts in the field of Intensive Care Medicine, 
such as Reason for ICU admission, Anatomy, Etiology, and Abnormality. The 
aim of DICE is to provide a means for ontology-based registration of 
reasons for ICU admission, providing sufficient detail for clinical 
purposes, and facilities for aggregation at varying levels of detail for 
management and research purposes.

I hope this information is helpful to you.
Currently, DICE is not publicly available. If this changes in the future, 
then we will notify you thereof and provide relevant pointers to the 
project. Contact me if you need any other information.

Kind regards, Ronald Cornet

At 19:24 18-09-2003, Frank van Harmelen wrote:
>I know that you have ported your DICE ontology to DAML+OIL. Have you 
>already transcribed it to OWL? (There are even semi-automated scripts 
>around to do this). If so, can I draw your attention to the email from Jim 
>Hendler, included below?
>I would be most grateful if you could send a short (just a few lines) 
>email message to public-webont-comments@w3.org, saying that you have the 
>DICE ontology in OWL, just a few lines on what the ontology is about and 
>what it is meant for, and a pointer to it on the web (assuming it is 
>available, otherwise not needed).
>This will really help in getting OWL accepted and supported, and also: 
>your work is worht it.
>   ----
>From: Jim Hendler <hendler@cs.umd.edu>
>To: webont <www-webont-wg@w3.org>
>Subject: WOWG: Time to collect implementation info again!
>Date-Sent: September 17, 2003 11:21 -0400
>Everyone -
>  this is REALLY important -- I've been running into more and more people 
> who are actually using OWL and not telling anyone about it -- I would 
> like everyone in the WG to find someone you know using OWL and tell them 
> to send mail to public-webont-comments@w3.org with a pointer to their 
> application. Then ask them to do the same...
>  Seriously, the W3C AC is currently being very tough on Proposed 
> Recommendations, and I think our showing just how many people are really 
> using OWL at this point will help a tremendous amount.
>  We must all spread the word that people shouldn't just be using OWL, but 
> also letting us know that they are!
>  -JH

Ronald Cornet, M.Sc.                    email: R.Cornet@amc.uva.nl
dept. of Medical Informatics                    phone: +31 (0)20 566 5188
Academic Medical Center, Room J2-256    fax: +31 (0)20 691 9840
P.O.Box 22700
1100 DE Amsterdam
The Netherlands                         'The truth is out there'

Received on Tuesday, 28 October 2003 13:55:00 UTC