W3C Systems team perspective for Webizen TF

Hi Webizen task force,

Ted (head of W3C Systems team) and I met yesterday to go over the systeam  
perspective for Webizen TF:
   https://www.w3.org/2014/03/18-webizen-minutes.html (team-only)

Ted, please, let us know if corrections are needed to the below.

Here are the key points:

* Some aspects could fold into (existing) systeam project of "Public  
** Systeam all all the code it needs.
** Same DB for Webizen as the rest.

* We need design time (look & feel, flourish in CG participants list,  
** Job posted last week for systeam in Keio,
** We could contract designer's time and/or crowd-source.

* Ongoing maintenance needs to be factored in, and not underestimated.

* Easy to give Webizen access to a Blog and other existing W3C Services.
* Linking from Blog blog should be doable too (need to consult with  

* Systeam already planning to overhaul management of IEs (and IPP); would  
be using same framework. Webizen might be an accelerator.
** Special treatment if the person is a webizen or require they be a  
webizen to be an IE would be more work.

* Payment aspects
** Ted to talk with Veronica and/or Caroline and Vivien.
** Flattr?
** Factor in how to kick out of group a Webizen who stops paying.
** How to identify webizen to get them discounts would require some coding.

* Existing users can become a Webizen. Workflow:
** create a new w3c account if do not already have one;
** fill in form to be a webizen (put in queue for payment verification);
** pay invoice. manual or automated review will put person in webizen  

* Status of Supporters Program:
** webizen might replace supporters program;
** or we can steer individuals to webizen and leave the rest

This completes ACTION: Coralie to nudge Ted about systeam aspects of  
Webizen [recorded in  


  Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Communications Team  -  http://www.w3.org
mailto:coralie@w3.org +336 4322 0001 http://www.w3.org/People/CMercier/

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 15:38:24 UTC