Re: Question about Turtle, existing implementations

so 13. 1. 2024 v 1:08 odesílatel Nathan Rixham <> napsal:

> Who here feels so strongly that turtle is the one true media-type that it
> MUST be always supported, and is willing to fight for months or years to
> ensure that, rather than spend an hour or so making it plain old optional
> within their implementation?
> If there is a technical reason, debt, workload or otherwise, that has
> their widely used system locked in to requiring turtle must always be an
> option, please state it publicly.

Turtle is used quite heavily in solid.  Including apps, servers, test suite.

Would be quite a lot of work to change some stuff (months) and to ensure
regression.  And I dont know if there's current appetite in Solid to drop

Regarding "always supported", but the solid wg should run 24 months, and so
that long at least.  So when the WG is formed there should be some liaison
set up.  Perhaps then we could ask them.

I would expect a battle to change Turtle-MUST in WebID ED 1.0 2014.  It
would be reasonable to ask for 2 years more stability.  I think that's a
reasonable fight.

In the new extension profiles, Turtle=MUST can easily be dropped.  Since
that's opt-in.

The only thing that scares me about WebID with exention profiles is that
they may be TOO powerful.  The possibilities to build with them are
endless.  It would be better to just start work on extension profies and
build things with them.  Then it's more likely that folks using the 2014
will voluntarily upgrade when they see what can be done.

That brings a whole new set of issues in itself, possibly in a good way.

Received on Saturday, 13 January 2024 04:26:43 UTC