Re: Question about Turtle, existing implementations

On 1/12/24 7:07 PM, Nathan Rixham wrote:
> Who here feels so strongly that turtle is the one true media-type that 
> it MUST be always supported, and is willing to fight for months or 
> years to ensure that, rather than spend an hour or so making it plain 
> old optional within their implementation?
> If there is a technical reason, debt, workload or otherwise, that has 
> their widely used system locked in to requiring turtle must always be 
> an option, please state it publicly.

Hi Nathan,

I don't.

OpenLink has active implementations of WebID, along the following lines:

Actual products e.g., YouID 
for generating WebID Profile Docs e.g., this WebID Profile Page 
OpenLink Structured Data Sniffer 
for saving data to Personal Data Spaces (or Pods); and Virtuoso 
<> (deep integration across all fronts 
related fine-grained access controls and identity authenticity).

Turtle MUST, SHOULD, MAY, or nothing said -- has zero impact on the 
above. Why? They've been designed to leverage the real power of HTTP and 
RDF which boils down to loose-coupling and connectivity.


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Received on Saturday, 13 January 2024 00:54:15 UTC