Re: What is a WebID?

pá 10. 11. 2023 v 10:16 odesílatel Sebastian Hellmann <> napsal:

> Hi all,
> Then to define a subspec (webid-json(-ld)) that can be liberated of the
> the requirement for tutle - even if some other subspec like webid-rdf
> requires conneg & at least tutle, say in SOLID)
> What's wrong with establishing the following:
> 1. WebID -- an identifier for unambiguously naming an Agent
> 2. WebID-Profile Document -- a document that describes an Agent named
> using a WebID
> 3. WebID-TLS -- an authentication protocol for verifying credentials
> expressed in an WebID-Profile Document
> 4. WebID-OpenIDConnect+OAuth -- an authentication protocol for verifying
> credentials expressed in an WebID-Profile Document
> That then gels nicely with Solid where the following are loosely coupled:
> 1. Identity -- via an identifier, in the form of a WebID that
> unambiguously names an Agent.
> 2. Identification -- via a credentials expressed in profile document that
> coalesce around a WebID via an entity relationship graph.
> 3. Authentication -- verification of credentials in a profile document
> that coalesce around a WebID.
> 4. Authorization -- access controls tested against a verified WebID
> I think, we can and should do much more. The main point here is that
> mixing '#' and '/' results in much "cooler" URIs. We are already using that
> in the Databus: curl -H "Accept: application/ld+json"
> ""
> <>
> for dcat:distribution:
> "distribution": [
> ""
> <>
> ,
> basically re-routing LD requests to the databus:Version=dcat:Dataset to
> get a nice & useful graph without additional requests.
> I was thinking that 'curl -H "Accept: application/ld+json"
> could also return 200 with content-type application/json+ld as a service to
> de-wrap the structured data islands. I would see this as a seamless
> mechanisms to allow coexistence of RDF and HTML and all other
> representations.
> Mixing hash and slash allows for a "Need another Node?" paradigm and could
> potentially solve a lot of Linked Data issues, pitfalls and nuissance:
> - over/underfetching & CBD
> - blank nodes

blank nodes should be minimized, by creating simple non-nested structures

> - additional metadata

additional metadata is a plus

> - annoying redirects and the need to explain 303. We need to drastically
> reduce the amount of URIs that we use in Linked Data.
> has a total of 16 URIs with 2
> non-information resources due to http/https  and then 7 main formats each
> with http/https
> - signatures

signatures, yes, henry had a lot to say about this in this final few
issues, and it was great work (which sadly he didnt get to complete)

There's a couple of ways of doing sigs, and it can be future work, probably
now is not the time.

> - seamless integration of Linked Data into REST APIs / swagger:
> <>)
> so there is a huge potential to add a whole metadata layer on top.
> I would be on board with chairing, if we were to start drafting a "cooler"
> URIs document, then go downwards into superspecs and then subspecs.

COOLer URIs sounds good, but these things are notoriously difficult to get
consensus on.  Good to try stuff, and see what sticks.

> -- Sebastian
> BTW -- everything I've outlined above has been implemented in our Virtuoso
> platform for longer tham I even care to remember these days.
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen 
> Founder & CEO
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Received on Friday, 10 November 2023 21:59:14 UTC