Re: Unblocking WebID CG work items

po 10. 7. 2023 v 17:05 odesílatel Henry Story <>

> Summary of my reply:
> 1. progress has not been stalled
>   see github PRs accepted
> 2. Jacopo made a PR and closed it on feedback that it was too big
>     The suggestion made by many was to move forward with small PRs
> 3. regarding JSon/LD: just propose a PR to the github repo here
> On 9. Jul 2023, at 18:59, Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
> Dear Group,
> There are several process items that require our immediate attention to
> foster progress:
> 1. The potential approval of the Solid WG Charter opens an opportunity for
> WebID to transition from draft to REC status. Our collective consensus
> suggests this is a desirable advancement.
> 2. Jacopo has generously offered to assist with document editing to ensure
> a smoother transition and accurate representation of the group consensus.
> This assistance has been agreed upon for over a year now.
> 3. In August 2020, we unanimously agreed to include JSON-LD in the WebID
> spec [1].
> Unfortunately, progress has been stalled due to two obstacles. Firstly, we
> are one of the rare groups without a co-chair - a feature generally
> considered a CG best practice. Secondly, the current chair's inconsistent
> responsiveness is an issue.
> You can see that there has been quite a lot of activity by looking at PR
> commits here:
> On 10. Jul 2023, at 15:21, Melvin Carvalho <>
> wrote:
> Please note that decisions within our group are not determined solely by
> the chair, as no single individual can encapsulate the group's diverse
> perspectives
> I never said that they are determined solely by the chair Melvin.
> I have always said that decisions should be determined by a consensus of
> people
> working on implementations. The IETF motto is “rough consensus and working
> code”.
> WebID is already widely used. Many of the primary users of WebID
> understandably
> do not follow this group particularly carefully, as so many other things
> need to be
> done.

While we greatly value all contributions, it appears the majority has
favored a different direction in this instance, with a 5:1 vote ratio.

In order to streamline our progress, the group has expressed a preference
for the 'lazy consensus' approach.

Additionally, it has been observed that the responsiveness of the current
chair has been inconsistent, sometimes spanning weeks, months, or even

> Because of the move to the WG, which you supported Melvin [1] I would just
> suggest that we delay wait till September when that WG structure
> is will be more clearly laid out.
> Now, moving things forward is quite simple: put forward PRs to the
> repository
> Small changes are more likely to gain wide consensus.
> If json/ld is the consensus, then it is easy to just put forward a minor
> PR
> on that. We can then bring that to the attention of groups using WebID
> for a vote.
> So again I dispute that anything has been blocked. If anything
> we have made some nice progress in the past year.
> Henry
> [1]

Received on Monday, 10 July 2023 16:01:40 UTC