Re: Unblocking WebID CG work items

Summary of my reply:

1. progress has not been stalled
  see github PRs accepted

2. Jacopo made a PR and closed it on feedback that it was too big
    The suggestion made by many was to move forward with small PRs

3. regarding JSon/LD: just propose a PR to the github repo here

> On 9. Jul 2023, at 18:59, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:
> Dear Group,
> There are several process items that require our immediate attention to foster progress:
> 1. The potential approval of the Solid WG Charter opens an opportunity for WebID to transition from draft to REC status. Our collective consensus suggests this is a desirable advancement.
> 2. Jacopo has generously offered to assist with document editing to ensure a smoother transition and accurate representation of the group consensus. This assistance has been agreed upon for over a year now.
> 3. In August 2020, we unanimously agreed to include JSON-LD in the WebID spec [1]. 
> Unfortunately, progress has been stalled due to two obstacles. Firstly, we are one of the rare groups without a co-chair - a feature generally considered a CG best practice. Secondly, the current chair's inconsistent responsiveness is an issue.

You can see that there has been quite a lot of activity by looking at PR
commits here:

> On 10. Jul 2023, at 15:21, Melvin Carvalho <> wrote:
> Please note that decisions within our group are not determined solely by the chair, as no single individual can encapsulate the group's diverse perspectives
I never said that they are determined solely by the chair Melvin.

I have always said that decisions should be determined by a consensus of people 
working on implementations. The IETF motto is “rough consensus and working code”.

WebID is already widely used. Many of the primary users of WebID understandably 
do not follow this group particularly carefully, as so many other things need to be

Because of the move to the WG, which you supported Melvin [1] I would just
suggest that we delay wait till September when that WG structure 
is will be more clearly laid out.

Now, moving things forward is quite simple: put forward PRs to the repository

Small changes are more likely to gain wide consensus. 

If json/ld is the consensus, then it is easy to just put forward a minor PR 
on that. We can then bring that to the attention of groups using WebID 
for a vote.

So again I dispute that anything has been blocked. If anything
we have made some nice progress in the past year.



Received on Monday, 10 July 2023 15:06:32 UTC