Re: Assessing consensus and our voting process

Kingsley, Nathan, Jonas, Melvin, Ruben,

Thank you for stating your preference. I’ll wait a few more days for this thread to circulate and settle. At that point, if nobody objects, I’d be ready and comfortable to move forward with lazy consensus.

First, voting on the Solid WG handover. Second, voting on my editing. Then the part that I am actually interested in starts - editing the consensus report itself! I’m looking forward to that.

Some of you believe all this to be too much formality. To those I say, I appreciate your indulging me even more. Believe it or not, I’m ordinarily not one for formalities myself. However, a little formality goes a long way in guaranteeing that an interested party will be able to understand the process behind any specific decision in 1 or 10 years from now.

Received on Sunday, 9 July 2023 19:18:20 UTC