Re: Assessing consensus and our voting process


I believe I understand where you are coming from but I also believe that the lack of process that comes with self-organization is part of the reason why this group has been struggling for so long to move things forward. I understand that the charter originated in the predecessor group but I also have not been able to find any other document that details how this group operates or how to act in case of sustained disagreements or how to act in case of an unresponsive Chair. Furthermore, although they might not have been formally selected, this group does formally have a Chair (as any group must).

I have been asked to edit a consensus report document in light of a significant decision, that of the handover to the Solid WG, with which I personally agree but which I feel has not been adequately discussed (in my opinion). This is my way to remedy the situation as a prerequisite for my activity as an editor. Although you probably find it redundant - and I respect that! - I’m trying to ensure that decisions are made as transparently and inclusively as possible. Perhaps to a fault but that’s how I work.

If you’re willing, I’d be curious as to which of the proposed strategies you would like best.

Received on Thursday, 6 July 2023 11:00:17 UTC