Re: WebID 1.0 Editors Draft

Hi all,

> Can we please write MUST only when we mean MUST. See also 

> If you insist then ruin SHOULD instead - how about SHOULDish, SHOULDer 
> and SHOULDest?  See also

With so many RDF serialization formats, I think a suggestion orienting towards
a specific format would be quite a good thing for those cases in which one has
the option to support more than one format (but maybe not all of them).

That said, I did not mean to start a discussion on SHOULD/MUST in this thread 
but merely intended help establish a starting point for PRs based on what came
across as potential common ground. I'm happy to start from anywhere else!

Best regards,

Received on Sunday, 30 January 2022 21:01:54 UTC