Re: WebID default serialization for WebID 2.x

Hi Jonas,

> Did I miss the point of why you mentioned these things in a thread where
> we are discussing whether certain serialization SHOULD or MUST*always*  
> be used for a thing to be a valid WebID.
I took some off-topic excursions, but at the core, discovery is already 
in the spec, e.g.

<head> <link rel="alternate" type="text/turtle" href="profile.ttl"/> </head>

and it is also within the topic of "default serialization" .  I read 
this part as serializing a link somewhere in HTML to be able to find the 
WebID. It is off-topic regarding format, true.

-- Sebastian

On 23.01.22 11:31, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Hi Sebastian,
> Quoting Sebastian Hellmann (2022-01-23 01:44:37)
>> On 22.01.22 13:19, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>>>> [and] Dan Brickley and Libby Miller [...]:
>>>>>> People think RDF is a pain because it is complicated. The truth
>>>>>> is even worse. RDF is painfully simplistic, but it allows you to
>>>>>> work with real-world data and problems that are horribly
>>>>>> complicated.
>>>> I will try to phrase it in a diplomatic manner:  It kind of became
>>>> a recent trend to talk down Linked Data achievements.
>>> "Talk down"?  Seems we are talking past each other here, and I am
>>> truly sorry if I have somehow offended you or some efforts you hold
>>> dear.
> [...]
>> For WebID: What is the main means of discovery here? Follow foaf:knows
>> is not in the spec.
> Using Google to discover web pages is not in the spec of HTML either.
> Your concerns are quite relevant for the ecosystem _around_ WebID but I
> disagree strongly that they belong in the core specification of WebID.
> Makes great sense to describe best practices for use cases involving
> WebID.
> Possibly makes sense to write specs for some details - if we identify
> details that MUST or SHOULD be done certain specific way.
> For the concrete example of WebID discovery I don't think it makes sense
> to specify some exact way it SHOULD or MUST be done.
> Do you agree?
> Did I miss the point of why you mentioned these things in a thread where
> we are discussing whether certain serialization SHOULD or MUST *always*
> be used for a thing to be a valid WebID.
>   - Jonas

Received on Sunday, 23 January 2022 15:20:32 UTC