Re: WebID default serialization for WebID 2.x

On Fri, 21 Jan 2022 at 14:38, Sebastian Hellmann <> wrote:

> Hi Martynas,
> On 21.01.22 14:11, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
> > Agents should use content negotiation to retrieve the most appropriate
> > RDF format. WebID documents are not different from Linked Data in
> > general in that respect.
> Content negotiation is a cool method to deliver different formats. I
> have a question for this one actually. Is there some official document
> that describes the relation between content negotiation and linked data?
> It isn't mentioned here:
>  and otherwise I only
> know this one:    . LDP mentions it in
> 4.3.2 HTTP GET  . They also follow an approach, where only Turtle and
> JSON-LD are a MUST and also define Turtle as the default. Any other
> document that is relevant and official here?
> We recently started to put our WebIDs on
>  (sufficient security for
> non-critical services). Not sure, even allows content
> negotiation. It is quite obvious that each additional MUST requirement
> in the WebID spec or any WebID spec will add a barrier towards adoption.
> Not sure, if there are strong use cases for the content negotiation MUST.

I dont think that allow content negotiation.  I think publishing
a webid to a static web page is a valid use case.  In fact, that's one of
my big motivations, here

I agree that it is obvious that every MUST is a barrier to adoption

I'd favour loosening the MUST requirement of content negotiation, for a
future version.  But there must be a path for those that use it today, to
continue to do so

> I found it quite practical, that you can just put a file on a web server
> (in this case ) to serve as webid.
> Anyhow, I see that the "Wallet Connect" login in Crypto became quite
> adopted with hundred of wallet implementations, so maybe a similar
> technology like WebID (probably based on pure JSON) will be developed
> and widely adopted from this side.

> -- Sebastian

Received on Friday, 21 January 2022 15:58:49 UTC