Re: WebID default serialization for WebID 2.x

Quoting Sebastian Hellmann (2022-01-21 14:38:07)
> Hi Martynas,
> On 21.01.22 14:11, Martynas Jusevičius wrote:
> > Agents should use content negotiation to retrieve the most appropriate 
> > RDF format. WebID documents are not different from Linked Data in 
> > general in that respect.
> Content negotiation is a cool method to deliver different formats. I 
> have a question for this one actually. Is there some official document 
> that describes the relation between content negotiation and linked data? 
> It isn't mentioned here: 
>  and otherwise I only 
> know this one:    . LDP mentions it in 
> 4.3.2 HTTP GET  . They also follow an approach, where only Turtle and 
> JSON-LD are a MUST and also define Turtle as the default. Any other 
> document that is relevant and official here?
> We recently started to put our WebIDs on 
>  (sufficient security for 
> non-critical services). Not sure, even allows content 
> negotiation. It is quite obvious that each additional MUST requirement 
> in the WebID spec or any WebID spec will add a barrier towards adoption. 
> Not sure, if there are strong use cases for the content negotiation MUST.
> I found it quite practical, that you can just put a file on a web server 
> (in this case ) to serve as webid.

Yes, simplicity is more practical.

Problem in _requiring_ any specific serialization is that it enforces 
specific complexity of the involved systems - publishers or consumers or 
both.  Publishers and distributors and consumers each want certain 
simplicity - but it is not the same (else we would have no debate for 
these many years!).

Having no default but only recommending JSON-LD would not block you from 
publishing Linked Data serialized as Turtle.

Same as western establishments recommending US dollars as reference 
would not block east asian communities to use Chinese Yen as reference, 
and anarcists using Ether.

My point is that the World is complex, and best we can do is encourage 
simplification, enforcing it won't help and might cause more damage.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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Received on Friday, 21 January 2022 14:05:01 UTC