Re: Question about "TLS CCA Session" versus "Web Session"

On 12 May 2014, at 09:32, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:

> On 2014-05-07 11:48, wrote:
>> On 7 May 2014, at 08:42, Anders Rundgren <> wrote:
>>> I don't claim knowing everything so please bear with me when I ask a simple question :-)
>>> Using JBoss and Tomcat (java-based) servers an HTTPS Client Certificate Authenticated
>>> session created from a browser *never terminates* regardless of session time-out settings
>>> because the TLS session has no link into the Java Servlet web session framework.
>>> Due to this neither manual logout or automatic logout work in such setups.
>>> Q1: how do other web-servers enforce logout from the server-side?
>>> Q2: if other web-servers actually can do this,  does this require TCP terminate?
>>> Q3: if other web-servers actually can do this,  logout works formost/all browsers without specific measures?
>> As far as I can tell a server cannot force logout of the client, since the browsers tend to resend the same certificate
>> to the server. You can only do this with Firefox which has a Javascript logout call currently. In my view login/logout
>> has to be handled by the client in the chrome.
> This is a unique problem for HTTPS Client Certificate Authentication; no other authentication
> method needs modifications of the chrome in order to perform logout or requires the client
> to support session timeout policies.

That is wrong as a little reflection should show:

- Basic Authentication uses the Chrome
- All other current methods rely on cookie based authentication, and it is problematic to exactly the extent that
  there until recently it was difficult for a user to control his cookie based personas. This is exactly what Aza Raskin
  was trying to bring into the Chrome with his "Identity in the Browser" blog post

> I can though imagine a chrome-based identity context but it should be optional and universal.
> It should probably also address logout to *all* enabled sites that you have encountered
> during your session on the web.

yes, there are many such features that become possible once one starts thinking about tying
identity to the Chrome, and putting the user fully in control of it. Google Chrome's Profiles
are a good step in the direction, but they don't yet help show which certificates are used, which
is important just because with WebID one could log into all sites with the same certificate.


> Anders
>> This has been identitified as a key improvement browser manufacturers need to make for privacy reasons.
>> Henry
>>> Anders
>> Social Web Architect

Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 12 May 2014 08:58:34 UTC