Re: WebID lack of adoption, was Re: Turtle and JSON-LD Matter

On 7/21/14 11:42 AM, wrote:
> On 21 Jul 2014, at 04:43, Kingsley Idehen < 
> <>> wrote:
>> On 7/20/14 12:17 PM, wrote:
>>> On 20 Jul 2014, at 15:45, Anders Rundgren<>  wrote:
>>>> >On 2014-07-20 15:35,  wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>On 20 Jul 2014, at 15:16, Anders Rundgren<>  wrote:
>>>>> >>
>>>>>> >>>Google scrapped established standards such as TLS CCA, ASN.1, PKCS #10,
>>>>>> >>><keygen> and still got the entire industry (modulo Apple) backing them.
>>>>> >>
>>>>> >>keygen works fine for me on Chrome. Good developers work around problems, they
>>>>> >>don't just complain.
>>>> >
>>>> >I'm not entirely alone:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >Naturally, Microsoft haven't published anything on what*they*  consider the right solution.
>>> The important thing is that it is in the html5 standard
>>> With JavaScript you can easily work around the  Microsoft exception by
>>> calling their ActiveX extension. There was code published on the list here
>>> to do this in the past. This is the kind of thing that could be documented
>>> here more carefully. Volunteers to improve HOWTOs are welcome.
>> Henry,
>> That suggestion is obsolete.
>> IE knows how to work with multiple TLS sessions. It has a new session 
>> menu item, so working with different WebIDs is built-in. It has been 
>> so for years. Try it out.
> The keygen html element has nothing to do with multiple sessions.

I am not implying or insinuating that it does.

My point is that <keygen/> has nothing to do with WebID-* . Its an 
optional modality for a 3rd party certificate generator that seeks to 
produce identity credentials using this particular HTML5 feature.

> It's the html element that allows the browser to create a 
> public/private key on form submission, and send the public key to the 
> server.

I know, see my comment above and in other posts. <keygen/> is yet 
another distraction.

> Last I looked that was not supported by IE.

It isn't supported, I doubt it ever will, and I understand where they 
are coming from in regards to resistance. I also covered this in an 
earlier response (today).

> Although it would make our lives easier if they did implement it, I 
> can live with them not implementing it.

Yes, let's not have <keygen/> as a distraction.

>  I certainly am not going to waste energy trying to convince them to 
> implement it.

That will be wasted energy for sure :-)

> Henry
> Social Web Architect


Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Monday, 21 July 2014 16:48:42 UTC