Re: Telcon agenda for Wed. Sep.11

Hi Vlad,

I'm likely to be a bit late for today's telcon (maybe 5-10 mins or so), 
but will call in as soon as I can - hope to be there before the end, at 


On 10/9/13 19:51, Levantovsky, Vladimir wrote:
> Hello WG members,
> We will have our regularly scheduled telcon tomorrow at
> US West Coast - 13:00
> US East Coast - 16:00
> Central Europe - 22:00
> Japan - 05:00 (next day)
> Zakim telephone bridge:
> +1.617.761.6200 (Boston)
> or
>  From your SIP phone: <>
> with conference code 3668 ("FONT") followed by ‘#’ sign.
> (Instructions on how to connect using SIP:
> IRC channel is #webfonts, irc://
> or
> We didn’t have significant activities during the last week so the telcon
> is likely to be brief but there are two important issues I would like to
> address. The proposed agenda is :
> -Finalize the date and location for our next F2F meeting in Amsterdam.
> As you know, some of the group members won’t be able to make it for Oct.
> 8^th meeting (as was the preliminary plan) and we considered different
> alternative dates for the meeting to accommodate as many participants as
> possible. The first two days of the ATypI conference (Oct. 9 and 10) are
> busy with many interesting presentations and technical meetings, the day
> of Oct. 11 was proposed as an alternative.
> We also have a choice of venues for the meeting – using a room that
> would be provided by the conference host (still need to be confirmed,
> especially if we change the date!) vs. having the meeting in the Google
> Amsterdam office (requires some commuting time but offers breakfast /
> lunch service and easy access to espresso machine!)
> -Updates on compression technology details and from WG members on the
> results of their internal investigation of new compression option /
> implementation (if available).
> -AOB
> Thank you,
> Vlad

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2013 18:39:14 UTC