Re: Proposal to specify behavior for terminals without touch hardware

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 4:52 PM, timeless <> wrote:
> We were planning on moving to a system where gestures were standard on
> all browsers regardless of how touch enabled their hardware was.
> The hope is to move to a model where applications subscribe to event
> classes and how the user manages to trigger these event classes is
> strictly between the user and the user agent.

Sounds interesting. Can I find more info somewhere?

> In this model what you're asking for is wrong and will not work at
> all. It does force us to ruin our attempt at fixing the previous
> broken click model which is not friendly to users with accessibility
> challenges or disadvantaged devices.
> So again, this is the wrong path.

I understand your arguments. Unfortunately that will break many
existing webapps, but I guess that's the cost of playing with
non-standards. Any suggestions on how else we can detect if it's a
touch device or not? I've tried to suggest it as a CSS media query,
but to no avail. This is the last I heard:


Received on Monday, 16 May 2011 09:15:57 UTC