Tools and interactions

Hi all,

Here is some information on the tools we will be using in the group to 
facilitate our work:
* we have a dedicated github organization with currently 3 repos, one for 
administrativia (incl our charter), and the 2 others matching the two 
main work stream identified in our charter (one around developer 
research, one around the Web Platform feature set)

* we're using (not super actively) a Matrix channel to exchange links 
and other real-time information:

* we will be using a living Google doc to develop agendas and keep 
minutes of our meetings at:
If you're willing to help taking minutes, please request write access to 
the document.

* we will use the W3C calendar to keep track of our CG meetings

We can also use the W3C Community Groups platform to publish blog posts 
on our CG home page:

As a reminder, our first CG meeting is scheduled next Tuesday at 1500UTC.



Received on Wednesday, 16 November 2022 14:12:00 UTC