Scripts to generate reports

Hi all,

I’ve been preparing some shell scripts to generate some reports from webdevdata. I first generate some CSVs with the webdevdata-tools and then generate the reports using those CSVs. I find CSVs more manageable than working straight with the data and I can use csvkit process the data and to generate quick stats.
I pushed the project to GitHub (I’m happy to move it to the webdevdata account if you find it useful):

You can see a couple of initial reports covering on data about: general tag usage, meta tags for app names, and meta viewport usage.

Generating the CSV and reports it’s reasonably quick:

$ time make
make  603.32s user 61.56s system 85% cpu 12:59.33 total

I did a quick modification to webdevdata-tools to speed things up and get there:

Let me know what you think.


Received on Thursday, 21 November 2013 05:41:54 UTC