Re: JS code examples for ACTION 43

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 8:13 AM, David Dahl <> wrote:
> Wan-Teh:
> Thank you for the patch, I have applied it to my local copy and am going
> through the rest of Ryan's feedback and will push a new version soon.

Good. Please fix two things in my patch.

1. I used the DOMString algorithm alias "SHA-256 algorithm alias" in
my patch, but the spec doesn't define any algorithm aliases currently.
Please replace that DOMString algorithm alias with a proper Algorithm
dictionary for SHA-256.

2. Please call window.crypto.getRandomValues to generate the |iv|
parameter for AES-CBC.

> Ryan, Wan-Teh, Arun:
> Should I create a new header - perhaps as a "Example JavaScript Code" appendix?
> Further, targeted code samples can maybe live right next to the WebIDL of the interface?

Both of these sound good to me.


Received on Thursday, 6 September 2012 17:15:54 UTC