Re: suggest to move weekly concall time from UTC 19:00 to different time.

On 08/26/2012 06:41 AM, Mountie Lee wrote:
> Hi.
> current weekly concall time is at UTC 19
> UTC 19:00 is
> 4:00 AM at Korea, Japan and
> 3:00 AM at China.
> I were try to join concall
> but very difficult to be awake.
> can we adjust the concall time to different time?
> how about 15:00 UTC? or before 15:00 UTC?

I do agree the time seems unfair to people in Korea/Japan/China. The 
reason we did this particular timezone was that we had no-one from these 
timezones plan to attend the call it appeared when the WG formed. Given 
that its hard to move WG times once established, we should poll.

So, now that we have active participants (and quite a few more listed as 
official WG members) from Kora/Japan/China, Quick question - does anyone 
else support this move? Channy?

I'd like to see people from Korea/Japan/China be able to attend the 
call. The main issue currently though is that such a move would also 
mean that 15:00 UTC would mean that the call would be quite early (I 
think 7:00 AM) but possible for folks in Pacific Time. Another option 
I've heard about, but have not tried, would be to have a separate Zakim 
call for folks in Korea/Japan/China that's co-ordinated.


> regards
> mountie.
> =======================================
> PayGate Inc.
> for Korea, Japan, China, and the World

Received on Sunday, 26 August 2012 07:48:05 UTC