crypto-ISSUE-11 (storage attribute): Is there a need for a storage attribute, indicating storage in a hardware token

crypto-ISSUE-11 (storage attribute): Is there a need for a storage attribute, indicating storage in a hardware token

Raised by: Virginie GALINDO
On product: 

During our summer F2F meeting, some discussions were held about the need or not to have an attribute associated with a key, indicating the storage used for this key. This attribute, while being mentioned in our discussions several time, was challenged by the fact that the reliability of this attribute could be weak - how can you trust the environment when saying that the key bis stored in a hardware token ? 
This issue is to keep track of the discussion and make decision about endorsing or not such attribute, once the key object description will be made available. 

Received on Friday, 3 August 2012 13:49:20 UTC