Re: [POLL] Approve LCWD comment responses

I approve the draft responses...

Question 1:  YES
Question 2:  YES


At 12:35 PM 7/17/2009 -0600, Lofton Henderson wrote:
>Hi All --
>Since we didn't have a meeting this week, we will use archived email to 
>approve our LCWD comment responses.
>Everyone, please reply **to list** with your votes on these two questions:
>Question 1:
>Do you approve the draft text [1] as the WG response to the "Schema" comment?
>YES or NO?
>Comments?  (If NO, then please include a comment.)
>Question 2:
>Do you approve the draft text [2] as the WG response to the "CSS" comment?
>YES or NO?
>Comments?  (If NO, then please include a comment.)

Received on Friday, 17 July 2009 18:40:29 UTC