proposed reply -- [2nd LC Review] Comments -- CSS

Hi WG --

Here is a proposed reply to his CSS comment -- the 2nd of his two 
comments.  Feel free to recommend improvements.  We'll discuss and 
approve/revise at Wednesday WG telecon.


At 11:44 AM 6/20/2009 +0200, Innovimax SARL wrote:
>== interaction between WebCGM and CSS ==
>Is it possible to consider the role that could play CSS vis à vis WebCGM ?

===== start =====
Potential relationships between WebCGM and CSS were studied in some detail 
[1] prior to the WebCGM 2.0 standardization.  This study [1] developed a 
detailed model and showed the technical feasibility for a rich application 
of CSS-like styling to WebCGM.


Despite the technical feasibility, the WebCGM 2.0 authors and constituents 
agreed that the the principal WebCGM use cases did not justify the cost and 
implementation effort of such a full-featured normative CSS capability in 
WebCGM.  Therefore normative CSS-like style sheets were not further pursued.

Nevertheless, whenever possible, applicable features and characteristics of 
CSS were followed in the design of WebCGM 2.0, especially the new DOM-based 
Style Properties feature.  For example the inheritance model of CSS was 
adapted directly into the Style Properties inheritance model (section 5.4), 
and there are a number of other examples of functionality borrowed 
more-or-less directly from CSS.
===== end =====

Received on Monday, 13 July 2009 16:10:48 UTC