RE: Typo in stroke-type style property

I'm reading the on the new style properties, and I see some
It's unclear with the current spec which style properties are set by a
name or integer value. At the moment it seems like stroke-type can be
set using "solid" or "1". But other style properties like interior-style
and hatch-index only seem to be settable using it's integer value. I
think some clarification and consistency is needed.
While it's still unclear if PTC will implement getStyleProperty(), I
wonder if the implementation has to return the exact same string that
was used to set the attribute. 
Example for stroke-type: setStyleProperty("stroke-type", "solid"),
getStyleProperty("stroke-type") returns 1.
Example for stroke-weight: setStyleProperty("stroke-weight", "200%"),
getStyleProperty("stroke-weight") returns 0.5 (assuming original was


From: Bezaire, Benoit 
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 10:26 AM
Subject: Typo in stroke-type style property

Current wording says: "[...] Valid values are: integers 1-6 (which
correspond to solid, dash, dot, dash-dot, dash-dot-dot)", the "1-6"
should be replaced by "1-5".

Received on Wednesday, 7 January 2009 16:00:17 UTC