Re: draft of 2.1 TS and implementation report document

Good, thanks Thierry.

I agree that we should not link them till we have WG approval.

Thanks for putting them in the WG space.  I am able to help with the 
editing there.  (Whereas the final TS20 document was elsewhere on the W3C 
site where I could not edit.)  I'll have a look at the IR draft later, but 
will be mostly away from the office for the rest of today.


At 02:35 PM 8/13/2009 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:

>I have published your TS21 document at
>I have also drafted the Implementation report cover page for 21  at
>It still needs some work. Feel free to edit it.
>Both of these documents are *not* yet linked from the WG home page. Once 
>they are approved by the WG we will do so.
>Henderson wrote:
>>P.S.  Do you think it is a problem that we start off with TS21 
>>essentially being TS20 + 21AddOn ?  Should we not discuss it (the 
>>ProfileEd detail) in the Overview document so much?  I should note that 
>>it is exactly the same as what happened with 2.0.  The initial (and 
>>final!) TS20 was essentially TS10 + 20AddOn.  We never got back to making 
>>a proper (ProfileEd-pure) TS20.
>>So ... It certainly is nice to make a proper TS21.  Is it a problem if 
>>not?  (This might be a good discussion topic for F2F.)
>>Any case, I could modify the "Versions" discussion in Overview.html if 
>>you think it raises a problem.
>>(Personally, I think the initial TS21 is perfectly functional for our 
>>purposes, just needing a bit of caveat and explanation.)
>>At 12:01 PM 8/12/2009 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:
>>>I have reviewed the 2.1 TS document.
>>>It clearly explains the content of the 2.1 TS
>>>- a directory with the Webcgm 1.0 tests
>>>- a directory with the Webcgm 2.0 tests
>>>- a directory with the latest Webcgm 2.1 tests
>>>Also you made a clear mention about the WebCGM 2.1 profile  identified 
>>>by the "ProfileEd:2.1" string.
>>>So the document looks great to me.
>>>Just a side remark:
>>>How much work does the change to "ProfileEd:2.1" in the former Webcgm 
>>>2.0 tests represents ?
>>>I know this is a change into bin files, but I remember a WG member 
>>>offered to look into this ?
>>>If it is not too much work, this would allow to have a full 21 TS.
>>>Lofton Henderson wrote:
>>>>[... I forgot the attachment first time...]
>>>>Hi Thierry,
>>>>For the 2.0 TS, we have this document linked from our WG home page:
>>>>I took that document and edited it minimally so that it works for 2.1.
>>>>For now, the draft is just for your review and comment.  After we are 
>>>>happy with it, we can add it to W3C space and link it from the WG page.
>>>>Sound good?
>>>>p.s.  I may be away from email for a few days -- still TBD.
>>>>   WebCGM 2.1 Test Suite
>>>>This version
>>>>     <>
>>>>     Lofton Henderson
>>>>     Summary
>>>>The public WebCGM 2.1 Test Suite was designed to validate the WebCGM 
>>>>2.1 specification <> and to insure that 
>>>>all features in the WebCGM 2.1 specification are implementable. WebCGM 
>>>>2.1 uses the conventional criterion for implementable — the feature has 
>>>>been implemented at least twice by implementations developed 
>>>>independently by different organizations.
>>>>The WebCGM 2.1 Test Suite is maintained by the OASIS WebCGM TC. <#legal>
>>>>This WebCGM 2.1 Test Suite adds tests to the ~300 tests of the WebCGM 
>>>>2.0 Test Suite. <>
>>>>The CGM Open Test Suite 
>>>>covers all WebCGM 2.1 features. It covers the new Style Property 
>>>>additions to the WebCGM DOM/ XCF, the new ACI (Application Configurable 
>>>>Items) capability, and miscellaneious new static and "intelligence" 
>>>>features — the 2.1 additions to WebCGM 2.0 
>>>><>. It also incorporates the WebCGM 1.0 
>>>>test suite. Therefore implementations that pass the WebCGM 2.0 test 
>>>>suite are tested on the WebCGM 1.0 functionality as well (with the 
>>>>exception of a handful of deprecated and obsolete features as 
>>>>documented in the WebCGM Conformance chapter 
>>>>As in the 2.0 Test Suite, many of the new tests consist of a number of 
>>>>sub-tests— typically about 5 sub-tests per listed test (one HTML/script file).
>>>>Comments on this document should be sent to 
>>>><>. The archive of public comments is 
>>>>available at
>>>>     * Legal considerations <#legal>
>>>>     * Introduction <#Introduction>
>>>>     * About <#About>
>>>>     * Caveats <#Caveats>
>>>>     * Installation Instructions <#Instructions>
>>>>     * Test Categories — additional details <#testCategories>
>>>>           o Dynamic10 Tests <#DynamicContents>
>>>>           o WebCGM 2.0 tests <#20tests>
>>>>           o WebCGM 2.1 tests <#21tests>
>>>>     * *Download* <#Download>
>>>>     * View Intro Page <#ViewIntroPage>
>>>>       Legal considerations
>>>>The WebCGM testsuite is exclusively hosted, maintained and distributed 
>>>>by CGM Open <> and the WebCGM TC 
>>>>  of OASIS <>. W3C does *not* have any 
>>>>control over or relationship to the WebCGM testsuite. Publication of 
>>>>this document or the WebCGM 2.1 Specification by W3C indicates no 
>>>>endorsement whatsoever by W3C. The testsuite remains entirely within 
>>>>the responsibility of CGM Open and OASIS. Consequently, W3C declines 
>>>>all responsibility that may arise from the use of the WebCGM testsuite. 
>>>>Neither does W3C make any assertion on intellectual property attached 
>>>>to the WebCGM testsuite. For information on copyright and the 
>>>>applicable patent policy, please look at the site of the OASIS CGM Open 
>>>>WebCGM Technical Committee 
>>>>  and the corresponding OASIS Policies 
>>>><> on 
>>>>intellectual property rights.
>>>>       Introduction
>>>>This release version of the WebCGM 2.1 Test Suite (WebCGM21TS) covers:
>>>>     * all of the functionality of the WebCGM20TS (unless deprecated or
>>>>       obsoleted),
>>>>     * plus WebCGM 2.1's extensions to DOM and XCF functionality,
>>>>     * plus 2.1's new ACI (Application Configurable Items) capability,
>>>>     * plus new 2.1 additions to the WebCGM 2.0's static and dynamic
>>>>       graphics functionality, such as GZIP compression,
>>>>     * plus some additional tests of static and dynamic graphics
>>>>       functionality not tested in WebCGM20TS.
>>>>Future releases and further improvements, bug fixes, etc., are anticipated.
>>>>The core of the WebCGM 2.0 Conformance Test Suite (WebCGM20TS) is the 
>>>>WebCGM 1.0 Test Suite 
>>>><> (WebCGM10TS), 
>>>>comprising about 250 test cases. The WebCGM10TS was developed by Lofton 
>>>>Henderson and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology). 
>>>>CGM Open <> has provided a Web location for free 
>>>>distribution of the WebCGM10TS since its first publication. Copyright 
>>>>of the WebCGM10TS is held by Lofton Henderson. License terms for use 
>>>>and redistribution are free, subject to a no-modification restriction 
>>>>(to preserve the integrity of WebCGM10TS materials). See the 
>>>>"WebCGM10TS copyright & license" document (in the downloadable ZIP 
>>>>of the test suite).
>>>>       About.
>>>>/Composition/. The composition of the WebCGM 2.1 test suite is as follows:
>>>>     * WebCGM21TS (~343 tests)
>>>>           o WebCGM21 add-on module (~43 tests)
>>>>           o WebCGM20TS (~300 tests)
>>>>                 + WebCGM20 add-on module (~43 tests)
>>>>                 + WebCGM10TS (~257 tests)
>>>>                       # WebCGM10 static tests (~232 tests)
>>>>                       # WebCGM10 dynamic tests (~25 tests)
>>>>/Test versions/. The WebCGM 2.1 profile has a conformance rule that the 
>>>>metafile must be identified by the "ProfileEd:2.1" string. A similar 
>>>>rule is present in the WebCGM 2.0 profile ("ProfileEd:2.0"), and the 
>>>>WebCGM 1.0 profile ("ProfileEd:1.0"). Except for this requirement, most 
>>>>valid 1.0 and 2.0 metafiles would be valid 2.1 metafiles. I.e., if 
>>>>their identifer string were changed to 2.1, they would be valid 2.1 metafiles.
>>>>In the initial release of the WebCGM21TS, most of the files in the 
>>>>previous editions — WebCGM10TS and WebCGM20TS metafiles — have been 
>>>>left "as is". I.e., their identifiers have not been changed to 
>>>>"ProfileEd:2.1". Exceptions have been made in cases where WebCGM 2.1 
>>>>has changed the associated conformance requirements in the test. In 
>>>>such cases, the ProfileEd has been changed to 2.1. In other words, the 
>>>>ProfileEd in any test of the WebCGM21TS actually denotes the oldest 
>>>>edition of the WebCGM profile for which the test is valid.
>>>>It is planned that a future release of this WebCGM21TS will change all 
>>>>files to contain "ProfileEd:2.1". Please see the Release Notes (in the 
>>>>downloadable ZIP file 
>>>>for up-to-date information about particular Test Suite releases.
>>>>       Caveats.
>>>>Please check the Release Notes (in the downloadable ZIP file 
>>>>for any up-to-date information about the following Test Suite caveats.
>>>>    1. Some of the dynamic tests (of WebCGM10TS subset) involve HTML as
>>>>       either a source or destination of hyperlinks. In some cases, the
>>>>       HTML text was borrowed from the WebCGM 1.0 specification. Some of
>>>>       these HTML snippets have not yet been updated by the corresponding
>>>>       snippets from WebCGM 2.1. Although the tests are functionally
>>>>       correct, the ultimate goal is to update all of those snippets for
>>>>       clarity and cosmetic reasons.
>>>>    2. Some CGMs and PNG reference images still reflect pre-release
>>>>       version numbers, e.g.," 0.9". The tests are functionally correct,
>>>>       and this cosmetic defect may be fixed in a future release.
>>>>    3. The Dynamic (hyperlinking) tests (of WebCGM10TS subset) may not
>>>>       look very good if you are running on a small screen, or at less
>>>>       that 1024x768 resolution. (At higher resolutions, there may also
>>>>       be some frame-layout issues).
>>>>    4. In a some cases, production of reference images was problematical
>>>>       for WebCGM20TS (as well as WebCGM10TS), due to limited access to
>>>>       high-resolution systems and tools. This may be addressed in a
>>>>       future release. This is not a critical criterion for the dynamic10
>>>>       tests, in particular, and there is a caveat at the end of each
>>>>       Operator Script.
>>>>       Installation Instructions
>>>>To view WebCGM21TS, all you have to do is unzip the delivery into a 
>>>>local directory. Be sure to pay attention to these details when un-zipping:
>>>>     * The destination directory should be the local directory which you
>>>>       want to be the root of your installation of the test suite.
>>>>     * Sub-directories 'static10', 'dynamic10', '20tests', and '21tests'
>>>>       will be created, and there will be further sub-directories in these.
>>>>     * Be sure that your unzip operation is done with the option "Use
>>>>       folder names", or equivalent, so that the sub-directories are
>>>>       created and populated.
>>>>After you have successfully unzipped the contents:
>>>>    1. open the introPage.html in a browser, or navigate there from this
>>>>       page (see Overview.html in the downloaded ZIP file
>>>>    2. click the link to the dynamic module, the static-graphics module,
>>>>       the 20tests, or the new 21tests
>>>>    3. If you choose "Dynamic", this will display a Table of Contents of
>>>>       test cases. Select any one.
>>>>    4. If you choose "20tests", this will display a Table of Contents of
>>>>       test cases of the WebCGM20 add-on module (see About <#About>).
>>>>       Select any one.
>>>>       If you choose "21tests", this will display a Table of Contents of
>>>>       new WebCGM 2.1 test cases. Select any one.
>>>>    5. You will need a WebCGM plug-in at this point (selecting tests from
>>>>       the TOCs).
>>>>    6. If you select "Static", then you will be taken to a Javascript
>>>>       page (this will not work in older versions of Netscape Navigator —
>>>>       you may have to switch to Internet Explorer or another browser).
>>>>    7. You can navigate to any one of the 200+ static tests, by one of
>>>>       several selection categories.
>>>>    8. The Operator Script will be displayed, plus a button to display
>>>>       the (raster) reference image. You will have to cause your viewer
>>>>       (plugin, or standalone, or...) to display the CGM.
>>>>       Test cagories — additional details
>>>>         Dynamic10 tests
>>>>The tests in this category have names like: linking-basicH2C-BE-01. The 
>>>>first bit is the functional category, the second is the specific focus, 
>>>>the third is test type (all of these are BE, Basic Effectivity), the 
>>>>4th is a sequence (within category): category-focus-BE-nn.. All of the 
>>>>tests are BE tests. They try to provide a complete coverage of V4 
>>>>functionality at a basic level of detail — no drill down or detailed 
>>>>testing (DT).
>>>>When you select a test in the TOC, a 4-frame screen will come up.
>>>>     * The top frame contains the test case name, and a link (not yet
>>>>       implemented) to the spec reference associated with the test case.
>>>>     * The bottom frame contains the navigation bar, which allows you to
>>>>       go to the previous test, next test, or back to the TOC (the child
>>>>       and parent buttons are not implemented). Also, the Operator
>>>>       Script, which tells you how to execute the test and what to look
>>>>       for in the way of pass/fail.
>>>>     * The right frame is generally where the test root will appear (HTML
>>>>       or CGM file).
>>>>     * The left frame initially displays a PNG reference image of a
>>>>       correct result of executing the test. (In some cases, it will also
>>>>       subsequently be the target frame for linked content.)
>>>>For information (but not relevant to viewing and using the test suite), 
>>>>the test cases are each driven off of an XML test case description 
>>>>instance, and XSLT stylesheets generate the test harnesses.
>>>>There are many files associated with each test case. You don't need to 
>>>>worry much about most of them. But a couple of files might interest 
>>>>you. The test content root file will generally be named 
>>>>"category-focus-BE-nn" with extension .cgm or .html. If the test case 
>>>>has a target file for a link, it will be named something line 
>>>>"category-focus-BE-nn-target", with extension .cgm or .html. All of the 
>>>>files with bits like "-dyn" as a suffix to the name are associated with 
>>>>the harness, and you shouldn't need to worry about them.
>>>>Test cases have names like: linking-basicH2C-BE-01. The first bit is 
>>>>the functional category, the second is the specific focus, the third is 
>>>>test type (all of these are BE, Basic Effectivity), the 4th is a 
>>>>sequence (within category): category-focus-BE-nn.. All of the tests are 
>>>>BE tests. They try to provide a complete coverage of V4 functionality 
>>>>at a basic level of detail — no drill down or detailed testing (DT).
>>>>When you select a test in the TOC, a 4-frame screen will come up.
>>>>     * The top frame contains the test case name, and a link (not yet
>>>>       implemented) to the spec reference associated with the test case.
>>>>     * The bottom frame contains the navigation bar, which allows you to
>>>>       go to the previous test, next test, or back to the TOC (the child
>>>>       and parent buttons are not implemented). Also, the Operator
>>>>       Script, which tells you how to execute the test and what to look
>>>>       for in the way of pass/fail.
>>>>     * The right frame is generally where the test root will appear (HTML
>>>>       or CGM file).
>>>>     * The left frame initially displays a PNG reference image of a
>>>>       correct result of executing the test. (In some cases, it will also
>>>>       subsequently be the target frame for linked content.)
>>>>For information (but not relevant to viewing and using the test suite), 
>>>>the test cases are each driven off of an XML test case description 
>>>>instance, and XSLT stylesheets generate the test harnesses.
>>>>There are many files associated with each test case. You don't need to 
>>>>worry much about most of them. But a couple of files might interest 
>>>>you. The test content root file will generally be named 
>>>>"category-focus-BE-nn" with extension .cgm or .html. If the test case 
>>>>has a target file for a link, it will be named something line 
>>>>"category-focus-BE-nn-target", with extension .cgm or .html. All of the 
>>>>files with bits like "-dyn" as a suffix to the name are associated with 
>>>>the harness, and you shouldn't need to worry about them.
>>>>         WebCGM 2.0 tests.
>>>>The majority of these are DOM and XCF tests, that each start with an 
>>>>HTML page. Typically there is a reference picture (PNG) on one side, a 
>>>>frame for display of the subject source metafile the other side, and an 
>>>>HTML table below, with interactive buttons for triggering DOM calls 
>>>>and/or other subtests.
>>>>         WebCGM 2.1 tests.
>>>>These are mostly tests for the functionality added to WebCGM by the 2.1 
>>>>edition. Each start with an HTML page. Typically there is a reference 
>>>>picture (PNG) on one side, a frame for display of the subject source 
>>>>metafile the other side, and an HTML table below, with interactive 
>>>>buttons for triggering the various sub-tests.
>>>>       Download
>>>>You can download a ZIP file 
>>>>and install the test suite on a local computer.
>>>>*View Intro Page.* In the future, you will be able to browse the suite 
>>>>online. For now, you must download, install it per the above 
>>>>instructions <#Instructions>, and initiate viewing at introPage.html. 
>>>>Either way, if you view the Intro page, it will have links that take 
>>>>you to the various parts of the suite. Please note viewer and browser 
>>>>requirements discussed above <#Instructions>.
>>>>*Feedback Welcome.* We welcome specific critiques on individual tests, 
>>>>Your general comments and impressions are welcome as well. 
>>>>Contributions can be made with the contribution form 
>>>>(test-contribution-grant.html) enclosed in the downloadable ZIP archive 
>>>>of the test suite. Please send comments and contributions to the WebCGM 
>>>>TS manager <>, or
>>>>*Questions?* Please write to WebCGM TS manager 
>>>><>, or
>>>>Lofton Henderson, WebCGM Working Group Chair.
>>>>06 August 2009.
>>>>Last Updated: $Date: Friday 07 August 2009 - 11:16:03$

Received on Thursday, 13 August 2009 12:58:48 UTC