Re: 1.0 errata as of end of Seattle F2F

I will put out an agenda before the end of the day, for tomorrow morning's 
telecon.  But here are the things I think we need to look at, regarding the 
1.0 errata:

-- we need to sort out the "Class" for almost all of them.  This is 
sometimes an issue, as we think there is some unclarity in the Process 
document regarding how to classify an erratum.

-- we need to decide, for many of them, what is the proper form of 
expression in the Errata document itself:  are hyperlinks to replacement 
text acceptable, or do the text need to be included in totality in the 
Errata document?

More later,

At 08:30 PM 8/27/2007 +0200, Thierry Michel wrote:

>If my understanding is correct
>All errata have been resolved and  "WebCGM TC endorsed on 2007-08-24"
>(and are likely to be approuved by theWebCGM WG ;-)
>except, following which are rejected:
>- E09: drawing model descriptions of 1.0 & 2.0
>- E10: deviations of WebCGM 1.0 Model Profile from normative ISO CGM standard
>  Henderson wrote:

Received on Wednesday, 29 August 2007 16:50:00 UTC