Re: [webauthn] Use of CBOR, and Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer (#1362)

@greenpau, have a look at the new-ish [getPublicKey()]( method, where the browser returns the value in DER format (not quite PEM, but [it's easy to convert](

I've also got a basic polyfill for browsers that don't support this new method ([discussion](

Alternatively, my "[webauthn-tidy](" repo includes 3 implementations:

- "[new](" shows my (fairly un-tested) polyfill in use;
- "[tidy](" is how I'm currently using WebAuthn (JS doing as much work as possible, to tidy up the API);
- "[html](" you can ignore (I was experimenting how a browser could do all of this with HTML elements only, the JS is filling in what the browser could do automatically).

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