08/17/2016 W3C Web Authentication WG Agenda

Here is the agenda for the 08/17/2016 W3C Web Authentication WG call

This is a 90 min call with the first 60 min for core issues and last 30 min for anything additional. Those that had action items please make sure you can get them done (JC, Rahul, Rolf, etc.)

1.      Roll call, please enter your presence into the IRC chat room

2.      Select Scribe(s)

3.      W3C message from Wendy

4.      Open Pull requests

a.      Extensions (Rahul, Giri)

5.      Open Core issues

a.      Eliminate Credential Object

6.      Ready for second PR draft ?

7.      TPAC Meeting

8.      Non-core issues

9.      AoB

10.   Adjourn

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2016 21:17:24 UTC