RE: WebAppSec Teleconference Timing and Techniques.

Hi Mike,

Dear colleagues,

I recently joined the group as an IE, but did not say hi yet. My name is Rob van Eijk and I am looking forward to contribute to this group.

ad 1. For me 20.00 CET works fine.

ad 2. I have no strong opinion on the service to use for video. Skype usually works fine, as is WebEx and

ad 3. The same with regards to Cryptpad.

In the tracking protection working group we scribed meeting minutes in irc. I found the commands of the Zakim agent a bit archaic at first (  But one of the reasons why irc worked for us was group size. With a large group attending a call, managing a queue became an important issue.

Furthermore, the nice thing about irc was having a back channel during the call. I do not know how large the group of participant in a typical call is, but if it is a relatively small group, the additional features of e.g., Zakim are not really necessary IMHO.


-----Original message-----
From: Mike West
Sent: Monday, February 25 2019, 10:45 am
To: Web Application Security Working Group
Subject: WebAppSec Teleconference Timing and Techniques.

Hey folks,
 As discussed on the last call, I'd like for us to think a little bit about how we're using our time on our calls, and whether it might be reasonable to make some changes. Three come to mind:
 1.  I've heard from some folks (including me!) that the current timeslot isn't working well. It's early for California, dinnertime in central Europe, and the middle of the night across Asia. Perhaps it's reasonable to consider a shift, and perhaps even a rotation between time-zones to allow access to more folks. As a concrete suggestion to start a conversation: I'd generally prefer 11:00 Pacific, 20:00 CET (as my kids will safely be in bed). How unworkable would that be for folks who care about the calls?
 2.  Audio-only conference calls are somewhat awkward. It might be nice to try out something that includes video/screen-sharing for somewhat more lively conversations (while, of course, retaining audio-only options for folks that would prefer for us not to have a camera in their house!). I suspect that there's a diversity of preferences in this group: Vidyo, Skype, etc. Hangouts are simplest for me personally, but I'm willing to try just about anything that works on a Chromebook: the TAG is apparently having success with, for instance?
 3.  Scribing in IRC is a pain in the butt. While it's nice to be able to rely upon the W3C's tooling for autopublication of minutes after a meeting, other groups have been successful with more dynamic methods. The TAG, for instance, has been using Cryptpad to take collaborative notes during a meeting (, and then posting the final result to GitHub ( That's a model that makes sense to me. Perhaps we could try it out?

Received on Monday, 25 February 2019 20:16:55 UTC