On Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 7:41 PM, Brad Hill <hillbrad@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think there will likely be many versions over time, or customized to
> specific user agents, as part of A/B tests, etc. I like the idea of
> versioning it with the hash, or an etag type mechanism; it seems there is
> no need for an arbitrary, human-readable string.
> Will there be distinctions on use of this in first-party vs third-party
> contexts (hello, Safari team) as it is a cookie equivalent? That does
> complicate the operational model a bit for iframed application components,
> but not too badly.
Ah, that I didn't consider. Yes, if we broadcast the ID back to the origin
server, we'd need to treat it like a cookie for all the ways in which a
cookie can be controlled in a user agent. Basically, if you can't set
cookies for a request, you also can't have origin policy for the request.
I'll add some text.