[SRI] Increasing Cacheable Content as a goal


I read the SRI spec https://www.w3.org/TR/SRI/

and I thought that SRI would solve the main problem we have with HTTPS
in developing world : it breaks caching through proxies. Bandwidth is
not cheap for the developing world, and caching proxies are designed
to solve specifically that problem.

So my suggestion would be to add Improving usage of Caching Proxies as
a goal in the next release.

But I just saw that improving caching (in the browser) as a goal, was
removed from an earlier version of the draft :


is there a reason for this? I did not find the answer in the mailing
list archive

Slim Amamou | سليم عمامو

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2016 12:14:12 UTC