Re: Proposal to add a browsing context named "_private"

> I know! How about letting the user specify that a bookmark should be
opened in-private? … oh, right :P

I understand that the comment was made to show that target="_private" will
not solve all problems associated with opening links in private mode, but
this set me thinking in another direction.
As Crispin's comment points out, bookmarking is also a feature common to
all browsers and which is, AFAIK, not standardized (notwithstanding the
link type="bookmark", which doesn't address this feature of browsers
I don't see any immediate benefit of standardizing it and I actually
wouldn't support it without some very very good reasons.

However, the more I think about it, private mode browsing is the kind of
feature which would really benefit from standardization: it would make the
developers know what to expect and would make sure that users get the
similar sort of guarantees across all conforming browsers.
In that spirit, I think a new named browsing context is a good way to
introduce such a standardization and a way of opening it up to web


On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 9:18 AM, Anne van Kesteren <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 1:08 AM, Crispin Cowan <>
> wrote:
> > I think this whole area causes more problems than it solves. I can
> clearly
> > see the problems, much less clear on potential solutions, and really
> vague
> > on the problem it is trying to solve.
> It seems pretty clear to me. For some use cases, the website can offer
> better UI than the browser. E.g., for most social media that relates
> around sharing links, as OP suggested, the user could opt-in to
> opening certain links in a "private mode". This is much more
> discoverable than the equivalent feature in a browser and is also more
> usable as you don't have to right-click, hold down a set of keys, or
> some equivalent forgetful thing on your phone.
> --

Received on Tuesday, 12 January 2016 10:39:10 UTC