Re: [referrer] Should referrer policy change value of the Origin header?

+Jochen & Emily

On Tue, Feb 2, 2016 at 6:15 AM, Brad Hill <> wrote:

> I note that most recent Chrome will change the value of the Origin header
> on, e.g. a same-origin POST to "null" if there is a meta-referrer policy of
> 'never' or 'no-referrer'.
> Should it do this?  Seems possibly logical, but there is no mention of
> this in the spec...

It seems reasonable to limit the leakage in this case, but it does mean
that pages which specify such a referrer policy couldn't reasonably use
CORS with credentials. I think that's probably a fine tradeoff, but I agree
that it should be explicit in the spec.

(Firefox, to my continuing sadness, doesn't send Origin on POST at all.)

Is there a bug on Bugzilla you could point folks to? I didn't see one in a
quick skim for "Origin header"...


Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2016 06:46:38 UTC