Re: SRI for preemptive cache validation

@jeff This is an interesting idea, but really tricky to get right in terms
of security while still achieving perf advantages. Since we are so close to
wrapping up v1, maybe file a bug to keep track for future versions of SRI?
I think there are quite a few more details I don't understand so if you
could thrash it out a bit more in your proposal, that would help us out too.


On 15 May 2015 at 06:59, Jeff Kaufman <> wrote:

> A common pattern on the web is that people include some external
> resource that gets updated by a third party:
>     //
>     //
>     //
> These are used for social buttons, analytics, ads, fonts, and content
> optimization, among others.  Longcaching isn't possible here because
> the people who update the external resource aren't the same people who
> serve the webpages.
> Additionally, while most websites could switch most of their resources to
> longcaching, typically sites still use simple urls and short cache
> lifetimes
> because longcaching (a) would require explicit effort on the part of
> someone who has lots of other things to worry about and (b) isn't 100%
> safe for web servers to apply automatically.
> This means there are very many times when a resource is sitting stale
> in the browser cache while the server knows it's still valid.  In this
> case the browser has to check with the server and wait for a 304 Not
> Modified before it can use the resource.
> If the server could mark up resources with their expected hashes,
> however, then the browser would be able to cut out the round trip in
> this common case.
> Current stale-but-valid:
>     C: GET /
>     S: ... <script src="example.js"></script> ...
>     C: GET /example.js
>     S: 304 not modified
> Proposed stale-but-valid:
>     C: GET /
>     S: ... <script src="example.js"
>                    integrity="nointegrity-sha256-HASH"></script> ...
> Where this differs from the design goals of SRI, however, is that this
> is entirely about performance, and offers no integrity assurance.
> Specifically, if there is a hash mismatch the load should fall back to
> an ordinary fetch:
> Current stale-and-not-valid:
>     C: GET /
>     S: ... <script src="example.js"></script> ...
>     C: GET /example.js
>     S: 200 OK ... [contents]
> Proposed stale-and-not-valid:
>     C: GET /
>     S: ... <script src="example.js"
>                    integrity="nointegrity-sha256-HASH"></script> ...
>     C: GET /example.js
>     S: 200 OK ... [contents]
> The goal is to get something that web servers can apply automatically
> that can cut this round trip off the common case of stale-but-valid
> cached resources.
> Two questions:
> * Does this make sense as part of SRI?
> * Can we make it safe to apply cross-origin, ideally without checking for

Received on Monday, 18 May 2015 21:48:35 UTC